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About us


Cooperation with state institutions

Supreme State Prosecutor's Office regularly cooperates with the police and with other bodies for detecting criminal offences, such as Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia, State Office for Gaming Supervision, Slovenian Competition Protection Agency, The Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, The Bank of Slovenia. According to the law, the Prosecutor General submits a Joint report by the end of May each year on the work of state prosecutors’ offices to the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, the prosecutor's office also regularly cooperates with the Committee of the National Assembly for domestic policy, public administration and justice.


International Cooperation

Supreme State prosecutors' office send requests for legal assistance to prosecutors’ services in foreign countries. In addition to bilateral relations, the participation of the Supreme State Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Slovenia in the following international organisations is important:

  • EUROJUSTEuropean Union Agency for Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters - here I would give a link to the description of EJ on the tab International Cooperation (under VDT RS)
  • EUROPOL - European Union Agency for Cooperation in Crime Prevention, Detection and Investigation
  • EJN - European Judicial Network
  • OLAF - European Anti-Fraud Office

- within the Council of Europe:

  • GRECO - Council of Europe Group of States against Corruption
  • MONEYVAL - Council of Europe Anti-Money Laundering Group

Conference of Supreme State Prosecutors and Prosecutors Appearing before Supreme Courts

- other international organizations:

  • OECD - Monitoring the implementation of the Convention on Bribery of Foreign Public Officials
  • IAP - International Association of Prosecutors

Slovenian National Representative at Eurojust

Boštjan ŠKRLEC


Deputy National Representative

mag. Boštjan LAMEŠIČ


Assistant to National Member for Slovenia at Eurojus


District State Prosecutor

Contact details


Slovenian National Desk

Johan de Wittlaan 9

The Hague
The Netherlands
